Determining the uppercase and lowercase vowels.

Using Visual Studio 2015.


using namespace std;

void main()

char input;



if (input == 'a' || input == 'e' || input == 'i' || input == 'o' || input == 'u')

cout<<"Lowercase Vowel";

else if (input == 'A' || input == 'E' || input == 'I' || input == 'O' || input == 'U')

cout<<"Uppercase vowel";


cout<<"Invalid input";



This program is to determine a lowercase or an uppercase vowel from the user's given input. We used "using namespace std;" because in the Visual studio, the header file "iostream" cannot be used without it. We used 'if else if' statement to determine uppercase and lowercase vowels.
Beginner's should know that '||' used in the 'if else if' statement means 'or'. It means that if not this, then this.


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